Use Recycling Waste Bins!

Despite all the media hype, the state of the environment is a genuine worry for us all – or should be.  Did you know that it is estimated within the next two years almost every landfill in the UK will be full?  Perhaps this isn't a surprise to those of us who are aware that the average family produces around twenty-five kilograms of waste every single week!  Combined, that mass of waste includes a million loaves of bread, four and a half million apples and five million potatoes every single day!  

Yet despite the huge amount of rubbish being buried in the ground, half the contents of most waste bins can be recycled, which could also save huge amounts of energy!  It's fashionable for people to go about houses turning plugs off to save small amounts of energy, but recycling just one tin can could save enough energy to power the average TV for three hours!  Recycled paper takes seventy percent less energy to create than conventional paper, yet bags made from recycled paper have a forty percent high volume than plastic bags, which take thousands of years to degrade!  The statistics in favour of recycling are simply staggering!  So why don't more of us do it?

Surveys indicate that ninety percent of people who don't recycle said they would if it was made easier.  In my opinion, this is the most disgusting statistic of all!  As if a short drive (or even a long drive!) is too much to ask for the massive impact that each family can have by recycling!  

Essentially all we each have to do is dedicate an hour per week to sensible waste disposal and we can change the way the world is heading – how is that possibly too much to ask?!  Given the amount of hours we spend watching TV, can't we afford to sacrifice just one per week in order to save enough energy to power our TVs for a month?!  Or, more importantly, to help save the entire planet?!

The ugly truth is that the world isn't going to get any better on its own.  In fact, it's getting worse and worse at an ever-increasing rate.  The rapidly growing population and prevalence of non-biodegradable packaging in fast foods means there will be even more waste in a few years than there is now, yet there will be nowhere for it to go!  I'm not sure if people quite understand the implications of that statement, so I'll say it again; there will be NOWHERE for the waste to go!  Even if there were more landfills (which there aren't), the negative impact of filling huge parts of the land with waste is almost unimaginable!  Everybody correlates greenhouses gasses of fossil fuels, but they forget that gargantuan piles of rubbish also give off greenhouse gases, as well as poisoning the ground and surrounding wildlife!

The only solution is recycling – it makes a massive difference and is so easy to do!  Around eighty percent of the population have plastic bins outside of their house; the green one is for recycling.  If you just keep your materials separate and put them in the green bin, they will be recycled for you - how much easier can it possible be?!  If you don't have a recycling bin, you'll have a recycling centre within a few miles so just make some effort!  There really is no excuse for not doing your part to help rescue the environment from the problems that we have caused.

Tim Price is an eco-warrior affiliated with Mean but Green. He highly recommends visiting for more information about different kinds of litter bins.

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Cool Weather Gardens - Start Your Peas, Lettuce and Tomatoes?

Cool weather gardening is a great way to start the spring gardening push. For the earliest garden, or in extremely cold climates, cold weather crops give us a great way to get started in the garden even before the last chance of frost has faded away. And most of these favorites will thrive in containers, so you can start them inside if you like.

One of the easiest and earliest to produce are radishes. Simple to sow and grow, they can often be harvested in only about 30 days, so these are a must for anyone trying to start an early garden. And they are great for a salad.

Speaking of salads, no salad is complete without lettuce or spinach. Leave lettuce is easy to grow almost anywhere. It germinates well, will tolerate some light frost, and is quick to mature. It can be planted from seed, or transplants. Start with the leaf or buttercrunch lettuce, they're easier to grow than head lettuce, mature more quickly, and the harvest time is longer as well. Spinach has a growth pattern much like leaf lettuce. However, it's a little hard to germinate, so you may want to start it in a peat pot before setting it out in the garden.

Another cold weather garden standby is peas. In some parts of the country you can plant peas in the ground as soon as the ground thaws enough to stick your finger in to push the seed down. A light feeder, this one actually improves the soil as it grows by fixing nitrogen. And for a variation on the pea theme, there are few crops that are as mouthwatering straight out of the garden as sugar snap peas, which can also make a great addition to that salad.

One other crop that is not normally thought of as cold weather crop are tomatoes. These favorites are not frost hardy, and prefer warmer temperatures to thrive. But that's not to say that with a little help we can push mother nature to let us gain a few weeks on starting those tomatoes. By using container or hanging planters, or water teepees in the garden, you can get the jump on your neighbors on getting those tomatoes going in your garden.

If you want to learn more about cold weather favorites like growing sugar snap peas, growing lettuce, or getting the jump on growing growing early spring tomatoes then head on over to

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Use Of Hot Tubs รข€“ Benefits Aplenty

A proper blood pressure holds key to your survival and good health. A plenty of drugs and equally surpassing therapies are available in the market to regulate and control your blood pressure. One such therapy that requires just a hot tub with a customized and regulated flow of water is known as Hydrotherapy. Essentially, before dwelling more in to hydrotherapy we are required to know more about a hot tub and the reasons behind of installing one for you.

Hot tubs provide you instant relief from high blood pressure. Regularized flow of hot water helps in dilation of your blood vessels. With external dilation, even your heart remains from the requirement of pumping as stressfully and hard as it requires regularize blood in to the vessel. The hot tub treatment results in considerably lowering your blood pressure.

After a busy day at office, your muscle might feel a little sour due to the accumulation of lactic acid. You will feel better and get relaxed once the blood gets into your muscles and the lactic acid is regularized. All it requires a little session inside a hot tub.

Add to it the benefits of faster vasodilatation. Now due to the regularized external water jets, more oxygen is ready to be transported to places where there is insufficient supply of oxygen. With better supply of oxygen a hot tub also adds to the healing process and brings back your blood pressure back to normalcy. The process of vasodilatation, thanks to the hot tub again, also helps in the circulation of nutrients.

A hot tub is a worthy investment as it certainly pays you dividends in many ways.

It is advisable to consult a doctor, before using the hot tubs. If you are a high blood pressure patient, using a hot tub would not only lower your blood pressure but also improve the overall quality of life.

Myself author of Spasearch magazine - a hot tub planning guide for hot tubs, portable hot tub, hot tub spa, exercise pool, small hot tub, indoor hot tub & outdoor hot tub.

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The Cultivation of Vegetables

Before taking up the garden vegetables individually, I shall outline the general practice of cultivation, which applies to all.

The purposes of cultivation are three to get rid of weeds, and to stimulate growth by (1) letting air into the soil and freeing unavailable plant food, and (2) by conserving moisture.

As to weeds, the gardener of any experience need not be told the importance of keeping his crops clean. He has learned from bitter and costly experience the price of letting them get anything resembling a start. He knows that one or two days' growth, after they are well up, followed perhaps by a day or so of rain, may easily double or treble the work of cleaning a patch of onions or carrots, and that where weeds have attained any size they cannot be taken out of sowed crops without doing a great deal of injury. He also realizes, or should, that every day's growth means just so much available plant food stolen from under the very roots of his legitimate crops.

Instead of letting the weeds get away with any plant food, he should be furnishing more, for clean and frequent cultivation will not only break the soil up mechanically, but let in air, moisture and heat all essential in effecting those chemical changes necessary to convert non- available into available plant food. Long before the science in the case was discovered, the soil cultivators had learned by observation the necessity of keeping the soil nicely loosened about their growing crops. Even the lanky and untutored aborigine saw to it that his squaw not only put a bad fish under the hill of maize but plied her shell hoe over it. Plants need to breathe. Their roots need air. You might as well expect to find the rosy glow of happiness on the wan cheeks of a cotton-mill child slave as to expect to see the luxuriant dark green of healthy plant life in a suffocated garden.

Important as the question of air is, that of water ranks beside it. You may not see at first what the matter of frequent cultivation has to do with water. But let us stop a moment and look into it. Take a strip of blotting paper, dip one end in water, and watch the moisture run up hill, soak up through the blotter. The scientists have labeled that "capillary attraction" the water crawls up little invisible tubes formed by the texture of the blotter. Now take a similar piece, cut it across, hold the two cut edges firmly together, and try it again. The moisture refuses to cross the line: the connection has been severed.

In the same way the water stored in the soil after a rain begins at once to escape again into the atmosphere. That on the surface evaporates first, and that which has soaked in begins to soak in through the soil to the surface. It is leaving your garden, through the millions of soil tubes, just as surely as if you had a two-inch pipe and a gasoline engine, pumping it into the gutter night and day! Save your garden by stopping the waste. It is the easiest thing in the world to do cut the pipe in two. By frequent cultivation of the surface soil not more than one or two inches deep for most small vegetables the soil tubes are kept broken, and a mulch of dust is maintained. Try to get over every part of your garden, especially where it is not shaded, once in every ten days or two weeks. Does that seem like too much work? You can push your wheel hoe through, and thus keep the dust mulch as a constant protection, as fast as you can walk. If you wait for the weeds, you will nearly have to crawl through, doing more or less harm by disturbing your growing plants, losing all the plant food (and they will take the cream) which they have consumed, and actually putting in more hours of infinitely more disagreeable work. If the beginner at gardening has not been convinced by the facts given, there is only one thing left to convince him experience.

Having given so much space to the reason for constant care in this matter, the question of methods naturally follows. Get a wheel hoe. The simplest sorts will not only save you an infinite amount of time and work, but do the work better, very much better than it can be done by hand. You can grow good vegetables, especially if your garden is a very small one, without one of these labor-savers, but I can assure you that you will never regret the small investment necessary to procure it.

With a wheel hoe, the work of preserving the soil mulch becomes very simple. If one has not a wheel hoe, for small areas very rapid work can be done with the scuffle hoe.

The matter of keeping weeds cleaned out of the rows and between the plants in the rows is not so quickly accomplished. Where hand-work is necessary, let it be done at once. Here are a few practical suggestions that will reduce this work to a minimum, (1) Get at this work while the ground is soft; as soon as the soil begins to dry out after a rain is the best time. Under such conditions the weeds will pull out by the roots, without breaking off. (2) Immediately before weeding, go over the rows with a wheel hoe, cutting shallow, but just as close as possible, leaving a narrow, plainly visible strip which must be hand- weeded. The best tool for this purpose is the double wheel hoe with disc attachment, or hoes for large plants. (3) See to it that not only the weeds are pulled but that every inch of soil surface is broken up. It is fully as important that the weeds just sprouting be destroyed, as that the larger ones be pulled up. One stroke of the weeder or the fingers will destroy a hundred weed seedlings in less time than one weed can be pulled out after it gets a good start. (4) Use one of the small hand-weeders until you become skilled with it. Not only may more work be done but the fingers will be saved unnecessary wear.

The skilful use of the wheel hoe can be acquired through practice only. The first thing to learn is that it is necessary to watch the wheels only: the blades, disc or rakes will take care of themselves.

The operation of "hilling" consists in drawing up the soil about the stems of growing plants, usually at the time of second or third hoeing. It used to be the practice to hill everything that could be hilled "up to the eyebrows," but it has gradually been discarded for what is termed "level culture"; and you will readily see the reason, from what has been said about the escape of moisture from the surface of the soil; for of course the two upper sides of the hill, which may be represented by an equilateral triangle with one side horizontal, give more exposed surface than the level surface represented by the base. In wet soils or seasons hilling may be advisable, but very seldom otherwise. It has the additional disadvantage of making it difficult to maintain the soil mulch which is so desirable.

Rotation of crops.

There is another thing to be considered in making each vegetable do its best, and that is crop rotation, or the following of any vegetable with a different sort at the next planting.

With some vegetables, such as cabbage, this is almost imperative, and practically all are helped by it. Even onions, which are popularly supposed to be the proving exception to the rule, are healthier, and do as well after some other crop, provided the soil is as finely pulverized and rich as a previous crop of onions would leave it.

Here are the fundamental rules of crop rotation:

(1) Crops of the same vegetable, or vegetables of the same family (such as turnips and cabbage) should not follow each other.

(2) Vegetables that feed near the surface, like corn, should follow deep-rooting crops.

(3) Vines or leaf crops should follow root crops.

(4) Quick-growing crops should follow those occupying the land all season.

These are the principles which should determine the rotations to be followed in individual cases. The proper way to attend to this matter is when making the planting plan. You will then have time to do it properly, and will need to give it no further thought for a year.

With the above suggestions in mind, and put to use , it will not be difficult to give the crops those special attentions which are needed to make them do their very best.

Requisities of the Home Vegetable Garden

In deciding upon the site for the home vegetable garden it is well to dispose once and for all of the old idea that the garden "patch" must be an ugly spot in the home surroundings. If thoughtfully planned, carefully planted and thoroughly cared for, it may be made a beautiful and harmonious feature of the general scheme, lending a touch of comfortable homeliness that no shrubs, borders, or beds can ever produce.

With this fact in mind we will not feel restricted to any part of the premises merely because it is out of sight behind the barn or garage. In the average moderate-sized place there will not be much choice as to land. It will be necessary to take what is to be had and then do the very best that can be done with it. But there will probably be a good deal of choice as to, first, exposure, and second, convenience. Other things being equal, select a spot near at hand, easy of access. It may seem that a difference of only a few hundred yards will mean nothing, but if one is depending largely upon spare moments for working in and for watching the garden and in the growing of many vegetables the latter is almost as important as the former this matter of convenient access will be of much greater importance than is likely to be at first recognized. Not until you have had to make a dozen time-wasting trips for forgotten seeds or tools, or gotten your feet soaking wet by going out through the dew-drenched grass, will you realize fully what this may mean.


But the thing of first importance to consider in picking out the spot that is to yield you happiness and delicious vegetables all summer, or even for many years, is the exposure. Pick out the "earliest" spot you can find a plot sloping a little to the south or east, that seems to catch sunshine early and hold it late, and that seems to be out of the direct path of the chilling north and northeast winds. If a building, or even an old fence, protects it from this direction, your garden will be helped along wonderfully, for an early start is a great big factor toward success. If it is not already protected, a board fence, or a hedge of some low-growing shrubs or young evergreens, will add very greatly to its usefulness. The importance of having such a protection or shelter is altogether underestimated by the amateur.

The soil.

The chances are that you will not find a spot of ideal garden soil ready for use anywhere upon your place. But all except the very worst of soils can be brought up to a very high degree of productiveness especially such small areas as home vegetable gardens require. Large tracts of soil that are almost pure sand, and others so heavy and mucky that for centuries they lay uncultivated, have frequently been brought, in the course of only a few years, to where they yield annually tremendous crops on a commercial basis. So do not be discouraged about your soil. Proper treatment of it is much more important, and a garden- patch of average run-down, or "never-brought-up" soil will produce much more for the energetic and careful gardener than the richest spot will grow under average methods of cultivation.

The ideal garden soil is a "rich, sandy loam." And the fact cannot be overemphasized that such soils usually are made, not found. Let us analyze that description a bit, for right here we come to the first of the four all-important factors of gardening food. The others are cultivation, moisture and temperature. "Rich" in the gardener's vocabulary means full of plant food; more than that and this is a point of vital importance it means full of plant food ready to be used at once, all prepared and spread out on the garden table, or rather in it, where growing things can at once make use of it; or what we term, in one word, "available" plant food. Practically no soils in long- inhabited communities remain naturally rich enough to produce big crops. They are made rich, or kept rich, in two ways; first, by cultivation, which helps to change the raw plant food stored in the soil into available forms; and second, by manuring or adding plant food to the soil from outside sources.

"Sandy" in the sense here used, means a soil containing enough particles of sand so that water will pass through it without leaving it pasty and sticky a few days after a rain; "light" enough, as it is called, so that a handful, under ordinary conditions, will crumble and fall apart readily after being pressed in the hand. It is not necessary that the soil be sandy in appearance, but it should be friable.

"Loam: a rich, friable soil," says Webster. That hardly covers it, but it does describe it. It is soil in which the sand and clay are in proper proportions, so that neither greatly predominate, and usually dark in color, from cultivation and enrichment. Such a soil, even to the untrained eye, just naturally looks as if it would grow things. It is remarkable how quickly the whole physical appearance of a piece of well cultivated ground will change. An instance came under my notice last fall in one of my fields, where a strip containing an acre had been two years in onions, and a little piece jutting off from the middle of this had been prepared for them just one season. The rest had not received any extra manuring or cultivation. When the field was plowed up in the fall, all three sections were as distinctly noticeable as though separated by a fence. And I know that next spring's crop of rye, before it is plowed under, will show the lines of demarcation just as plainly.